1. What is AURA?

AURA is a social media platform that wants to give users back their face-to-face communication. Removing the "first step" problem and verbalizing feelings and emotions, giving each user more reasons for dialogue. AURA will help you overcome the barrier of the first encounter, if you accidentally meet a person you like. Meet, communicate, feel.

2. Rules for creating a password

Your password should be easy for you to remember but difficult to guess. We recommend using large and small letters, and special characters. The minimum number of characters is at least 8.

Also, the password should not coincide with your e-mail address, phone number or date of birth. We recommend you to use a password that is different from passwords to other accounts in social media.

Note: If you remember your current password, you can change it.

3. What are virtual points in AURA?

AURA virtual points are one of the criteria for the popularity of your profile, and also reveal additional possibilities for using the application. All your actions more or less consume AURA points, whether you like the post or the profile. Equally, you get AURA points for liking your profile or publication. Besides, you can present AURA points to a person you like or to your friend.

4. AURA points crediting and writing-off rules

Every day during the day every user is granted 50 AURA points. For every point put by you for publication you are charged 1 point AURA. This point is credited to the profile of the user whose publication you have liked. You will be charged 5 AURA points for initiating a user and 5 AURA points for each 30 seconds of use.

5. What is Aura Sense?

It' s a tool that allows you to get to know the person you meet and get to know him or her easily. Now a random meeting on the street or in a cafe can change your life.

6. Section "People"

Section "People" shows registered users under given filters: Friends, Followers, Gender, Distance, Age, Total AURA Points.

7. Exchange of messages

In the section "Messages" you can communicate with AURA users, share messages and images that don't violate the rules of content publishing.

8. Feed

In the "Feed" section, you can post images or see the publications of users you are subscribed to or friends with.

9. What publications will I see in my feed?

In the Feed, you can see only the publications of the people you are subscribed to and/or your friends' publications. If you want to see more publications, you need to have more people in your subscriptions and friends.

10. Who can see my feed?

Your publications in your feed can be viewed by people who have subscribed to you and/or your friends and also by a user who has visited your profile for the first time. If the user has not subscribed or friended you, they need to find your profile to view your images.

11. Search

In Search, you can find a user by their name or nickname, and then you can become friends with them or subscribe to them.

12. Adding a post

By adding a publication to your feed, your publications are displayed in your profile. To add a publication, you need to click on the icon "+" in the section " Feed " and select an image from the gallery or use your smartphone camera, then you need to click on the button "Publish". Please note that you should be aware of the publishing rules when publishing your images, which prohibit images of violence and/or content of a sexual nature.

13. How do I change or reset my password?

Under "Settings" -> "Profile" ->. When you click on the gear opens the possibility to edit your profile, in this section you can change your password. If you forgot your password, you can also restore access to the phone number you indicated, for this you need to click on "Forgot password" and ask to restore your password. After entering the code from the SMS, you can set your new password in the "Settings" section.

14. Where can I find my settings?

The settings are in the profile section. User can change the application settings, and also change the profile settings in the corresponding subsection by clicking on the gear icon.

15. Editing the profile

Under "Settings" -> "Profile" ->. When you click on the gear icon, you can edit the profile. You can change and/or add information about yourself, including your profile picture, description and password.

16. Which profile image can I use?

You can only use a profile picture that clearly shows your face, without the use of graphic overlays, masks or other content that could mislead AURA users.

17. Notification management

In the settings section with the item "Alerts" the user can manage notifications and disable them if necessary. You can enter this section at any time and change these settings.

18. Управління публікаціями

You can publish and also delete your publications in the " Feed" section or from the section of your publications by clicking on the context menu in the upper right corner above the publication.

19. Complain about a publication or profile

If you think a post or member's profile has inappropriate content or a member is behaving inappropriately you can submit a complaint and our moderators will review the profile or post. Also, our team will make every effort to remove that content or profile if there are violations.

20. How can I send a request to be friends?

If you want to add a user as a friend, you need to click on the corresponding "Friend" button in the user's profile.

21. Removal from friends

You can always delete a person from your friends in the activity section in the appropriate subpage "Friends".

22. How to subscribe to a person?

You can add the person to your subscriptions by clicking on the appropriate button "Subscribe" in the user's profile.

23. How do I unsubscribe from a person?

Subscriptions are managed under the "Subscribers" activity section, where you can unsubscribe from a user.

24. What names can be used in AURA?

AURA users have 2 name identifiers: a real name, in Latin or Cyrillic; a nickname, which can only be entered in Latin.

25. Support

If you have any questions or problems using AURA you can contact the support team on Telegram to get help or suggest solutions.

26. Rules of publication

Sexual Material

You may not post nude or sexually explicit content. Do not engage or solicit others to engage in any targeted behavior or harassment of other users. This includes posting unsolicited material of a sexual nature, including posts and comments.

Personal Information

Do not publicly share any private information, yours or anyone else's, including: passports, passwords, financial information or private contact information such as phone numbers, e-mail addresses, home and/or work addresses.